Important - Vaccinations: In line with NHS Highland Direction GP surgeries will no longer be responsible for the delivery of vaccinations and immunisations effective 1st March 2023. If you have any queries regarding child or adult immunisations, please contact the NHS Highland Service Delivery Centre Helpline: 0800 032 0339 open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 5.00pm. For routine immunisations you are requested to wait for an appointment letter before making contact.
Badenoch & Strathspey Community Hospital, Cairnview Road, Aviemore, PH22 1AJ
Telephone: 01479 810258
We're open
About Aviemore Medical Practice
Aviemore Medical Practice is a partnership of GPs providing General Medical Services (GMS) under contract from NHS Highland. We cover a defined geographic area and provide services to patients who are living within our practice boundaries as well as those who are visiting the area and require urgent medical care.
NHS Highland General Practice Privacy Notice
1. About NHS Highland GP Practices and our key relationships
Aviemore Medical Practice is a classed as a public organisation under section 2 and 3 of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978 (the 1978 Act). It is one of the organisations which form part of NHS Scotland (NHSS) Aviemore Medical Practice works alongside NHS Highland under the terms of The National Health Service (General Medical Services Contracts)(Scotland) Regulations 2018.(GMS Contract)
Aviemore Medical Practice is just one part of the integrated health and social care system in Scotland, you should read this privacy notice in conjunction with those provided by your NHS Highland or other primary care provider (such as your NHS dentist, optometrist or pharmacist) and the information provided nationally on the NHS Inform website, the Public Health Scotland website, the NHS National Services Scotland website, and the website of NHS Education for Scotland. We work in close partnership with our colleagues at NHS Highland, and The Highland Council to support the delivery of health and social care, further to the provisions of the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014.
Our address is: Aviemore Medical Practice, Cairnview Road, Aviemore, PH22 1AJ. Our main switchboard number is: 01479 810258. Aviemore Medical Practice is registered with Information Commissioner’s Office, our registration number is Z5751408
2. About the personal information we use
We use personal information on different groups of individuals including:
· Patients and their legal representatives, guardians or close family members or associates such as their Next of Kin;
· Staff, volunteers, students and applicants;
· Contractors;
· Suppliers;
· Complainants, enquirers;
· Survey respondents or research participants;
· Professional experts and consultants;
· Individuals captured by CCTV.
The personal information we use (personal data) includes information that identifies you like your name, address, date of birth, postcode or Community Health Index (CHI) number. Your CHI number is a unique identifier used across the healthcare system in Scotland.
We also use more sensitive types of personal information (special categories of personal data), which may include information about health and sex life. Where appropriate we may also use information about racial or ethnic origin; religious or philosophical beliefs; trade union membership; genetic and biometric data, health; sex life or sexual orientation.
The information we use can relate to personal and family details; education, training and employment details; financial details; lifestyle and social circumstances; goods and services; visual images; details held in the patient record; responses to surveys etc.
3. Our purposes for using personal information
Under the 1978 Act and GMS Contract Aviemore Medical Practice has a statutory responsibility to provide or arrange for the provision of a range of healthcare, health improvement and health protection services. We are given these tasks so that we can help to promote the improvement of the physical and mental health of the practice population which in turn support the wider operation of a comprehensive and integrated national health service in Scotland.
We use personal information to enable us to: provide healthcare services for patients (including reminding you of appointments); to undertake data matching under the national fraud initiative and for fraud prevention; when supporting and managing our employees; to
maintain our accounts and records; in partnership NHS Highland and local authorities for the purposes of health and social care management and delivery; to facilitate fundamental medical research; for the analysis needed to manage the health and social care system; to share data into appropriate health care registries such as those maintained by Public Health Scotland; and for the prevention and detection of crime, including the use of CCTV systems.
4. Our legal basis for using personal information
Aviemore Medical Practice, as data controller, is required to have a legal basis when using personal information. Aviemore Medical Practice normally considers that performance of our tasks and functions are in the public interest and further to our official authority under the 1978 Act. So, when using personal information our legal basis is usually that its use is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest, or in the exercise of official authority vested in us. In some situations, we may rely on a different legal basis; for example, when we disclose personal information to comply with a legal request (e.g. a court order), our legal basis is that its use is necessary to comply with the legal obligation. Another example would be for compliance with a legal obligation to which Aviemore Medical Practice is subject. For example, we have a duty under the Public Health etc (Scotland) Act 2008 to notify Health Protection Scotland when someone contracts a specific disease.
When we are using more sensitive types of personal information (special categories of personal data), including health information, our legal basis is usually that the use is necessary:
· for the provision of health or social care or treatment or the management of health or social care systems and services; or
· for reasons of public interest in the area of public health; or
· for reasons of substantial public interest for aims that are proportionate and respect people’s rights; or
· for archiving purposes, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes, subject to appropriate safeguards; or
· in order to protect the vital interests of an individual; or
· for the establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims or in the case of a court order.
On rare occasions we may rely on your explicit consent as our legal basis for using your personal information. When we do this, we will explain what it means, and the rights that are available, to you.
Please Note: we may also ask for your consent for us to perform specific healthcare procedures or operations, or when you take part in drug trial. This is known as clinical or ethical consent. It demonstrates that you have agreed to receive a particular type of care or to participate in an activity. In these circumstances we will not normally be relying on your clinical consent as the lawful basis for our processing of your personal data. Where you have provided consent for the processing of your personal information, we will make it clear to you that you have the right to withdraw that data processing consent at any point.
5. Who provides the personal information
When you do not provide information directly to us, we receive it from other individuals and organisations involved in the delivery of health and social care services in Scotland. These may include NHS Boards and primary care contractors such as NHS Highland, other GPs, dentists, pharmacists and opticians, other public bodies e.g. Local Authorities, such as The Highland Council.
6. Sharing personal information with others
Depending on the situation, where necessary we will share appropriate, relevant and proportionate personal information in compliance with the law, with the following:
· Our patients and their chosen representatives or carers;
· Staff;
· Current, past and potential employers;
· NHS Highland
· Healthcare social and welfare organisations;
· Suppliers, service providers, legal representatives;
· Auditors and audit bodies;
· Educators and examining bodies;
· Research organisations;
· People making an enquiry or complaint;
· Financial organisations;
· Professional bodies;
· Trades Unions;
· Business associates;
· Police forces;
· Security organisations;
· Central and local government;
· Voluntary and charitable organisations.
Where Aviemore Medical Practice shares information with other organisations it will normally do so further to the provisions of an Information Sharing Agreement. Where Aviemore Medical Practice appoints another organisation or supplier to act on its behalf, that organisation or supplier will be subject to the provisions of a data processing agreement.
Please note that the agreements for many of the systems and services used by Aviemore Medical Practice are negotiated by NHS Highland or national Boards, such as NHS National Services Scotland or NHS National Education Scotland, on behalf of all Scottish Health Boards and practices.
Where information requires to be shared in extremis, for example for the preservation of life or in a major emergency, Aviemore Medical Practice will do so. You may wish to review the guidance from the Information Commissioner around Data sharing in an urgent situation or in an emergency.
There are some common situations where data is shared routinely, and we wanted to make you aware of those. We share data:
6a. with other parts of NHS Scotland
Within the NHS in Scotland, data is shared between GPs, Health Boards and organisations including the Scottish Ambulance Service, Public Health Scotland (PHS), NHS 24, and between Health Boards, community optometrists, community dentists and pharmacists for the purposes of your health or social care, the management of the health and social care system and when responding to public health issues. The Intra NHS Scotland Information Sharing Accord and the Joint Data Controller and Information Sharing Agreement between Health Boards and GP practices are examples of agreements used for this sort of data sharing.
Sharing across the NHS in Scotland includes working at national and regional level as well as in direct partnership with other Boards or NHS organisations.
6b. with local authorities
We work with our local authority partners for the purposes of health and social care integration further to the integrated approach to health and social care under the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014. This involves working very closely as partners and means that, where appropriate, health and social care information is shared between Aviemore Medical Practice, NHS Highland and The Highland Council for the purposes of your care. The goal is to facilitate an integrated, multi-disciplinary, model for health and social care, centred on you.
We also collaborate on joint planning of the health and social care system in areas such as improving discharge planning or understanding service capacity pressures. This involves the use of anonymous statistical data about our patients and service users and their healthcare conditions and needs, or the state of the health and social care system.
6c. with other agencies
There are key statutory purposes for which we share data routinely between relevant partners and agencies such as Police Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue, local authorities and relevant Scottish and UK government agencies. They include child or adult public protection matters, emergency planning and response (including planning for and responding to major incidents), the prevention and detection of crime and responding to public or environmental health issues.
Statistical data, which may be drawn from an analysis of your health data but is unlikely to identify you, is shared with Scottish and UK Governments for the purposes of statutory reporting and national planning.
We share information with national agencies such as the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency, Department for Work and Pensions, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, or NHS England as part of UK wide initiatives where it is relevant for your health or social care, public safety or for important purposes of public health or medicines or device safety.
6d. with regulators
If a professional or conduct matter is raised by one of the relevant professional registration bodies, such as the General Medical Council or the Nursing and Midwifery Council, that
can lead to the professional body requesting access to your health records under their statutory powers. The focus of these requests is the professional person or matter being investigated rather than you, but your records may be essential to the regulator understanding the issue they are examining. In such cases, Aviemore Medical Practice will work with the applicable professional body to help make sure that any of your data passed to them is appropriate and will be managed securely.
6e. with researchers
Approved medical research also takes place using healthcare data. Where this involves several healthcare providers it is normally considered via the Public Benefit and Privacy Panel and/or relevant ethics committees (such as university ethics committees when we work with clinical academic colleagues).
Approval for participation in national or local research is given by the NHS Highland’s Caldicott Guardian, who is a senior clinician. In NHS Highland the Caldicott Guardian is the Director of Public Health, who also has a Deputy Caldicott Guardian supporting them. This may be in liaison with senior clinicians within the practice.
Research can include the provision of data, including identifiable data, to national registries for long-term analysis of trends in particular conditions for the benefit of everyone.
Research in health care also comprises the aggregation (bringing together) of data from different parts of the health and social care system. The outputs of research are always anonymous and are not used to make decisions about you as an individual. Safeguards will be put in place to help ensure the use of your data will never be harmful to you.
Where data is processed for medical research purposes, the lawful bases for doing so are normally that it comprises a task in the public interest and under the official authority of Aviemore Medical Practice and research purposes subject to the safeguards in Article 89(1) of UK General Data Protection Regulations.
7. Transferring personal information abroad
Aviemore Medical Practice does not routinely transfer personal data outside of the UK.
In exceptional circumstances, when information is transferred outside the UK, for example a patient who has become unwell while on holiday and requires medical care in a foreign country, Aviemore Medical Practice ensures that appropriate safeguards are in place per the terms of data protection legislation.
8. Retention periods of the information we hold
Aviemore Medical Practice is subject to the Scottish Government Records Management: Health and Social Care Code of Practice (Scotland) 2020. The Code of Practice sets out minimum retention periods for information, including personal information, held in different types of records including personal health records and administrative records. Aviemore Medical Practice aligns its activity with that Code of Practice.
9. How we protect personal information
We take care to ensure your personal information is only accessible to authorised people. Our staff have a legal and contractual duty to keep personal health information secure, and confidential. Our clinical staff are also subject to professional obligations via their registration body (General Medical Council; Nursing and Midwifery Council; Health and Care Professions Council. The following security measures are in place to protect personal information:
· All staff undertake mandatory training in Data Protection and IT Security;
· Information Security policies and procedures are in place and checked regularly against the requirements of the Network and Information Systems Regulations 2018;
· We have access controls for our systems and can audit activity.
10. Your rights
This section contains a description of your data protection rights within Aviemore Medical Practice 10a. The right to be informed
Aviemore Medical Practice must explain how we use your personal information. We use a number of ways to communicate how personal information is used, including:
· This Data Protection Notice and if appropriate additional privacy notices provided to you directly in respect of certain activities or processes;
· Information leaflets;
· Discussions with staff providing your care.
10b. The right of access
You have the right to access your own personal information. This right includes making you aware of what information we hold along with the opportunity to satisfy you that we are using your information fairly and lawfully.
You have the right to obtain:
· Confirmation that your personal information is being held or used by us
· Access to your personal information
· Additional information about how we use your personal information
Although we must provide this information free of charge, if your request is considered unfounded or excessive, or if you request the same information more than once, we may charge a reasonable fee.
In certain circumstances you may be entitled to seek information about others, known as third party data, however you must provide proof that;
· The third party has provided written consent that you can act on their behalf (please note we may seek confirmation of consent from that third party)
· The third party is unable to consent, and you have a legal guardianship over the affairs of that third party
· That you have parental entitlement over the third party (please note that for children over the age of 12 we may seek their opinion about the release of their information)
You can make a request for access to your information directly to Aviemore Medical Practice Prior to processing any request Aviemore Medical Practice is required to be satisfied as to the identity of the requestor. As such during the application process you are asked to show photographic ID
Make a request for personal information
You can make a request for access to personal information held by Aviemore Medical Practice by contacting:
The Practice Manager
Aviemore Medical Practice
Cairnview Road
PH22 1AJ
10c. The right to rectification
If the personal information we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to have this corrected.
If it is agreed that your personal information is inaccurate or incomplete, we will aim to amend your records accordingly, normally within one month, or within two months where the request is complex. However, we will contact you as quickly as possible to explain this further if the need to extend our timescales applies to your request. Unless there is a risk to patient safety, we can restrict access to your records to ensure that the inaccurate or incomplete information is not used until amended.
If for any reason we have shared your information with anyone else, perhaps during a referral to another service for example, we will notify them of the changes required so that we can ensure their records are accurate.
If, having considered your request, Aviemore Medical Practice does not agree that your data is inaccurate, we may add a comment to your record stating your concerns about the information. If this is case, we will contact you within one month to explain our reasons for this.
10c.The right to object
When Aviemore Medical Practice processes your personal information for the purpose of the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority you have the right to object to the processing and also seek that further processing of your personal information is restricted. We are happy to consider any such requests, but please note that where Aviemore Medical Practice can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for processing your personal information, for example in respect of patient safety, clinical recordkeeping or in support of legal claims, it is unlikely that we will be able to restrict the processing of your data.
10d. Rights in relation to automated decision-making and profiling
Aviemore Medical Practice does not, at present, make any decision based solely on automated processing or profiling.
10e. Other rights
There are other rights under data protection legislation, however these rights only apply in certain circumstances, many of which are not applicable in respect of the processing data for the purposes of the provision of healthcare. For further information on these rights please see If you have any questions, please do let us know.
10f. Data Protection Concerns
A Data Protection Officer is engaged by Aviemore Medical Practice to help ensure that we handle personal information in a way that meets data protection law. If you are unhappy with the way in which we use your personal information or any decision we have made in respect of your data rights, please tell our Data Protection Officer using the contact details below.
Data Protection Officer NHS Highland Assynt House Beechwood Park Inverness IV2 3BW
Phone: 01463 706 057 Email:
Please note emails from your private email address may not be secure.
You may also wish to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office – – or seek to enforce your rights via judicial remedy.
11. Translation service or accessibility
If you would like a copy of this notice in another format or language, please contact Aviemore Medical Practice who will take all reasonable steps to support your request.
Privacy notice for children getting help or care
Who are Aviemore Medical Practice?
Aviemore Medical Practice are in charge of making sure that everyone who visits us has somebody to help them when they are sick. We do this by making sure there are doctors and nurses to look after you.
What is a privacy notice?
A privacy notice tells you about why we need to know about you so we can give you help and care when you are sick. It also tells you about what we do with the things we know about you.
Why do we need to know things about you?
So that we can help you when you’re not feeling well, we will ask you questions when you come to see us, or we might talk to some of the adults you know, like your parents, your carer or your school.
Sometimes we might need to give you medicine or arrange to take special pictures of your bones (it’s ok, it doesn’t hurt) and we keep this information in a book or on our computers. The information we have about you is called your Health Record.
In your Health Record we keep:
· Your name, where you live and how old you are;
· Who you live with and who looks after you;
· What care and medicine we have given you;
· Any photographs we take of you;
· Results and scans of your body like X-Rays.
We keep your information safe
The things you tell us are private, like a secret, and most of the time we are not allowed to tell anyone else unless you (or your parent / carer) say it’s ok first. If we do talk to anyone about you without your permission, it will only be when it’s really important; to look after you, make you better, or keep you safe.
We might tell:
· A police officer, a social worker or somebody in your school who helps to keep you safe;
· Other people who look after you, such as a doctor or nurse in a hospital.
· A researcher – sometimes we need to use your information so doctors and nurses can learn new ways to make you and other people like you better – this is called research. When we do this, we remove things like your name, age and where you live so no one knows that it’s your information anymore.
The rules for looking after your records
As we have private information about you, there are lots of rules that we need to obey – rules about how long we are allowed to keep your information, about how to stop anyone from taking it without permission and about making sure that your record has information about you that is true. You are allowed to see all the information we have about you, and you can do this in different ways – you can ask your parent / carer to help you, or a different adult that you trust like your doctor or a teacher at school. There will sometimes be a form that you have to fill in, and you can get a copy of this form by asking somebody when you are in the surgery or you can contact us to ask us to help you at:
Aviemore Medical Practice
Cairnview Road
PH22 1AJ
01479 810258