Important - Vaccinations: In line with NHS Highland Direction GP surgeries will no longer be responsible for the delivery of vaccinations and immunisations effective 1st March 2023. If you have any queries regarding child or adult immunisations, please contact the NHS Highland Service Delivery Centre Helpline: 0800 032 0339 open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 5.00pm. For routine immunisations you are requested to wait for an appointment letter before making contact.

Aviemore Medical Practice

Badenoch & Strathspey Community Hospital, Cairnview Road, Aviemore, PH22 1AJ

Telephone: 01479 810258

We're open

Healthy Eating & Weight Loss

What you eat, and how much, is so important for your health and wellbeing.

Maintaining a healthy weight and eating a balanced diet can lower your risk of developing diabetes, heart disease and cancer as well as reducing your risk from coronavirus.  

If you are overweight, making small, simple changes to what and how much you are eating and drinking can really make a big difference to your health, but it’s often hard to know where to start. Listed below are some of the options available to our patients.  You may wish to discuss these further with the practice nurse or your GP, particularly if you have a Personal Health Planning appointment.

12 Week Weight Management Programme

This is a 12 week programme, devised by NHS Scotland which will help you to look at your current eating patterns. You will be encouraged to set goals for change and be supported to make small and manageable changes to your current lifestyle. To access the programme, click here.

Second Nature

“We started second nature because we were frustrated with the status quo of the weight-loss industry: calorie counting, fad diets and misleading nutrition advice. To access this website, click here.



“As our name suggests, we believe that finding a balance is what really matters when it comes to weight management. Counterweight weight loss programmes are designed to create long-term behavioural changes and provide you with the tools and support you need to achieve your weight loss goals.” To access this website, click here.


In addition to the above, you can also find exercise resources and leaflets below:

Couch to Fitness: Click here

Couch to 5K: Click here

High Life Highland Gyms: Click here


Weight Loss Planner to print: Click here

The Highland Food plate leaflet: Click here

NHS Weight Loss Guide leaflet: Click here


Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 06:00pm
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 06:00pm
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 06:00pm
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 06:00pm
  • Friday
    08:00am to 06:00pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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